March 20th now seems like forever ago.
It was on that day that we were forced to shut down for a time that is still unknown.
Rosie and I talked about it for an entire week before the choice was made for us. Our biggest fear was that it would feel like we were fleeing our members in a time of tremendous need. In a time when fitness and health were thrown to the forefront, we would not be there for the daily dose of workouts, conversations, guidance, and fist bumps.
We had nightmares. What if you didn’t workout while we were closed? What if you couldn’t find the motivation to do the workouts? What if it was too big of a jump to go from classes to the garage? What if you all threw your nutrition out the window?
Sure, we started in a garage in 2011, but that was a long time ago and we had grown into the convenience of an affiliate. We grew into our affiliate. Could our members go in the opposite direction and grow into a garage, or a driveway, even if just for a few months?
And, I’m happy to report that you’re doing it. And we’re so damn proud.
Over the past three weeks, you’ve surely had ups and downs. Know that you have it in you and that you have a support team. Reach out if you need guidance or an ear on how to get it done. We’re here.
Know that you have worked for and earned the wealth of knowledge over the countless years and classes you have attended at Glevum Fitness. Many others don’t have these means to fall back on right now.
You perhaps have one of most powerful tools during this time – the knowledge that doing one workout a day, with a solid dose of intensity, and eating meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar is the proven recipe to ward off chronic disease and promote health, fitness, and longevity.
For many that jumped into CrossFit hook, line, and sinker years ago, this is what brought us to CrossFit. Not the promise of a muscle-up or a specific physique or an extreme workout. It was a belief in our stomach that CrossFit had the power to change the trajectory of world health.

“we collectively (CrossFitters) sit in unique possession of an elegant solution to the world’s most vexing problem.” – Gregg Glasmman

Each of you has the tools mentioned above and described in this post. Share your knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm for being “fit”.
Take a friend under your wing. Get your spouse off the sofa and drag them to your daily workout with us. Call a friend and do the workout with them.
Now more than ever we all need to lead from the front – in our homes – and in the name of health and fitness and an effort to be part of the solution.