The Key To Losing Stubborn Belly Fat

We’ve all seen magazine and internet articles with titles like this: “The 5-Second Flat Belly Trick!”


“6 Days to a Six-Pack!”

But here’s the truth…

Belly fat isn’t eradicated quickly, nor is being “totally shredded” always the most productive health goal.


Some types of belly fat are associated with health risks.

Visceral fat—that’s belly fat found deep in your abdomen, surrounding your internal organs — is linked to chronic inflammation, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other metabolic disorders.

(Subcutaneous fat—the padding just under the surface of the skin — is relatively benign.)

Of course, without slicing yourself open (hard pass), you won’t easily know what kind of fat your belly harbours.

The looking something like this:

  • Consume a diet centered around minimally-processed foods. (This makes it harder to overeat, and easier to feel satisfied and meet your nutrition requirements.) 
  • Find movement that you like and will do regularly. (Consistency trumps just about everything else.)
  • Eat slowly and mindfully. (Helps improve mind-body awareness so you can more easily eat the right amount for your body.)
  • Practice self-compassion. (Sure, it sounds woo-woo, but it’s linked to healthier eating, more consistent exercise habits, and lower rates of anxiety, depression, and perceived stress.)

Not exactly clickbait, huh? 

But consider: How many people actually do these things… day in and day out?

If so few people can do just the basics, how likely is it that they’ll be able to do something that’s even harder? Especially when they’re just starting out?

(Like those advanced, “cutting edge” nutrition or fitness protocols that “celebrity models and Marvel heroes use.”) 

Luckily, the healthy behaviours that help you lose belly fat for aesthetic reasons will also help you improve your health and reduce your risk of disease.

The reality…

Fat loss tactics don’t need to be complicated. In fact, the “boring” stuff totally works—and is a lot more doable (and certainly more sustainable) than pretty much any “extreme” plan. 

What to focus on now

Questions to ask yourself….

  • Are you eating slowly and thoughtfully, making the best food choices possible, as often as possible?
  • Are you eating to a true 80% full? Or just kinda sorta, sometimes?
  • Are you eating real food instead of “diet foods” or other fake foods?
  • Are you doing your workouts as scheduled? Are you putting in a good effort?
  • Are you sleeping and recovering enough? Do you have a good sleep routine and are you using relaxation techniques?
  • How consistent are you with your nutrition? (If you want to be sure, try a few days of food journaling to check your memory.)
  • Are little snacks and “extras” sneaking in? Are you “forgetting” about your daily Frappucino, muffin, or beers? Are you nibbling off others’ plates after dinner?
  • Are your expectations appropriate? Are you trying to do too much too soon… or do you have a clear understanding of what realistic, long-term deep health involves?
  • Are you focused on taking ACTION, right now, today? Or are you “wondering and worrying”?

Digging into the weeds of nutrition details—on details like supplements, precision in grams or calories— won’t be substituted for these basics. For sustainable results with lasting power, focus first on solid foundations. to ask yourself….

Act first, and get motivated later.

There are three big lies about what sustainable exercise and good nutrition are made of.

  • Lie #1: You have to be “inspired” to practice.
  • Lie #: You should always be “motivated” to practice.
  • Lie #3: “Experts” are always motivated or inspired to practice.


Even for healthy-lifestyle pros, there’s no such thing as unwavering motivation.

You will not always be “motivated” or “inspired”. You will not always feel “flow”.

Motivation comes and goes. Some days that motivation will be totally MIA.

But that doesn’t matter.

You don’t need motivation or inspiration to follow through on plans to practice, consistently.

In fact, what differentiates an “expert” from an “amateur” isn’t necessarily motivation. It’s action. “Experts” find focus. They find ways to move their body through essential actions, regardless of how they feel.

(within reason).

Want help becoming the healthiest, fittest, and happiest version of yourself? 

Most people know that regular exercise and eating well is important for looking and feeling better. Yet they need help applying that knowledge in the context of their busy, sometimes stressful lives. Over the past 10 years, we’ve used our coaching methods to help over 1,000 clients lose fatget stronger, and improve their health… for the long term… no matter what challenges they’re dealing with.

If you’re ready to change your body, and your life, with help from some of the country’s best coaches, this is your chance.