Getting into a regular workout routine can be a challenge. For some just starting their fitness journey, it can be hard to get a habit started. Thankfully, there are some straightforward things you can start doing immediately to help get yourself into gear.
Be Clear On What You Want To Achieve
Everyone sets New Year’s resolutions, but not many people actually achieve them. Did you know that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals when you write them down on a regular basis? Keep a notebook and write down any goals that you have for 2018. Every month, revisit those goals, write how you are aiming to achieve them and how you have improved in the last 30 days. I find this incredibly motivating and more likely to keep me in the habit of going to the gym. Message us or chat to one of our coaches about our FREE S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting Workbook.
Have It In The Diary
When you are a productive adult (which we all pretend to be at times) finding time to workout is difficult. We recommend blocking off time in your diary (or other planning tools of choice) to ensure you have time in your daily schedule. We find that it is helpful to set alerts that notify you when it is getting close to gym time. We tend to find that we as coaches are much more accountable when we get alerts telling us to get our daily workout in.
Make Friends With Others
Whether it is chatting with your coach or finding friends in your class, making friends with others will help keep you coming back. The most beneficial and fun part of CrossFit is the awesome community. When you know others are counting on you to be there for the workout; you are much more likely to come at a regular time. Make an effort to encourage others during the workout, help clean up equipment, come early or stay late and chat while stretching. If you are still finding it difficult to make friends, join one of our socials or in-house events that we often schedule here at Glevum.
Get Inspired
Inspiration can come from many places. Some people are inspired by competition, others are inspired by reaching aesthetic goals, and some people thrive on quotes. Whatever your inspiration, find it and hold onto it. Staying inspired will keep you consistent and creating healthy habits.
Don’t Forget Your Fuel
Many people stop going to the gym because they don’t see the results they want. However, they completely ignore the fact that their diet and lifestyle will, in fact, make or break their goals. Whether you want to gain muscle, lose fat, or increase your fitness, what you put into your body 100% matters. When you see results from your hard work in the gym, you are more likely to be consistent. When you are more consistent, the better your results. It is a cyclical relationship.
Need help with goal setting or any of the other topics above? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at for a little push – that’s what we’re here for!
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